
August 29-30, 2009
Hamburg, NY
Saturday, 10am-5pm
Sunday, 10am-3pm
Agri Center at the Fairgrounds

One Ticket Price Both Days! $5 prepaid - $6 at the door

IF YOU BUY YOUR TICKETS FROM US, WE GET TO KEEP THE PROCEEDS! Please support your LSS (local scrapbook store).
We all went last year and it was a nice day out and lots of new ideas. We have more info at the store and there's a link at the top for the Tour's website.


Have a Happy Mother's Day, ladies!


Cute, cute cute!!! The turtle is my favorite :)

Monday, June 22, 6pm $13

I'll get Kim's other pages on in the next couple of days.

BASIC GREY Extra, Extra!

Here are two more layouts using our extra papers from the POTM program. We'll be setting dates next week. The first one, "you TWO", is with Marrakech and you will need 1 - 5" x 7" and 3 - 4" square pictures.

The second one, "Heart Strings", is with "Porcelain". The pics for this one are - 1 - 4" x 6" and 2 - 3 1/2" x 5"

There are only 6 kits available for each one, so if you're interested, don't procrastinate - they'll go quick!

POTM - May

This is my layout for May. If you want to join us to put your page together, the dates are: Thursday, May 21 at 6pm and Tuesday, May 26 at 6pm. If you can make it earlier either day, that will just give you a bit more time.